Food Integrity Now in 2014Happy New Year from Food Integrity Now. We are starting our year off with some great guests. In January, we will talk with Joel Salatin about his upcoming documentary, Polyface Farms, which is a model farm for sustainability and Dr. David Perlmutter will be joining us to talk about his best-sell...
Seed:The Untold StoryDid you know that in the last 100 years 94% of our seed varieties have been lost? There is a tremendous threat to our seed biodiversity by the monopolization of seeds with the majority of seeds owned and controlled by biotech companies in our world. Three chemical companies, Monsanto, DuPont and ...
Are Statins Really The Answer? The Great Cholesterol MythIs high cholesterol really a major indicator of risk for heart disease? Could inflammation from a diet high in sugar be just as much a risk, if not more, as a predictor for heart disease? Why have fats been so villainized? Dr. Stephen Sinatra has been studying cholesterol and it’s relations...
`Tis the Season:You Don’t Have to Catch a Cold or the Flu!We have discussed the importance of avoiding GMOs and eating organic foods on many of our shows. This week, I have invited David Armstrong, M.Ac. (Acupuncturist), of Listening Heart Medicines to co-author this article with me on the importance of building a healthy immune system. This is an extr...
Is Fido Eating GMOs?Many of us work at eating a healthy, non-gmo diet–but what about our pets? Richard Palmquist, DVM, talked with Food Integrity Now about the importance of feeding our animals a balanced and healthy diet. He shares his thoughts and expertise on how your pet’s diet can either harm or hea...
What You Eat is What They Will Grow: Real Dirt with Harry StoddartListen to this interview with Harry Stoddart, author, consultant, adviser, and philosopher. Stoddart has developed a farming system that he believes is a starting point for true sustainable agriculture. Stoddart’s book, Real Dirt, An Ex-Industrial Farmers Guide to Sustainable Eating tackles...
The People of Washington State vs.The Big Food Industry: GMO Labeling with WA Senator Maralyn Chase and I-522’s Carin ChaseThe big food industry is lying about Washington State’s I-522 GMO labeling issue. What else are they lying about? Washington State Initiative 522, which is the initiative for mandatory labeling of GMOs is being voted on now. Food Integrity Now spoke with Washington State Senator Maralyn Cha...
Hossca Harrison: The Energy and Consciousness of GMOs and FoodWhat is the consciousness of a GMO? Hossca Harrison, philosopher, mystic, teacher, medium and founder of Jonah Life Institute, shares his knowledge and wisdom as to how energy works. He spoke with Food Integrity Now about the consciousness of GMOs. He explained how the food we eat is not only af...
Pamm Larry: Initiator of Prop 37, Makes a Call to Action on I-522 and the TPPPamm Larry, the initiator of Proposition 37 in California, takes her inspiration, knowledge and expertise to Washington to help with Initiative 522. She spoke with Food Integrity Now today about I-522 (mandatory labeling of GMOs in Washington by 2015) and the Yes on 522 campaign. This Initiative ...
Breaking News: OSGATA v. Monsanto Case Filed With Supreme CourtA few hours ago, Food Integrity Now spoke with Jim Gerritsen, President of the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (“OSGATA”). Jim Gerritsen, representing the lead plaintiff, OSGATA, spoke with us about this ground-breaking case filed with the Supreme Court today. The Plaintif...