Learn About GMO’s
- Urgent: Protect Our Rights to Nutritional GuidanceMany seek advice and counsel from nutritionists, health coaches, wellness coaches, functional medicine coaches, and others who have become proficient in assisting individuals with their diet and lifestyle choices to become healthy and live a more joyful life. We need to protect our rights as individuals to seek advice from whatever source we choose! As… Read more: Urgent: Protect Our Rights to Nutritional Guidance
- Urgent Request Now: Stop the Poison-PushersWe need all hands on deck! Please read and take action on this important issue to stop the poison-pushers from having immunity and taking away our rights! The EPA needs to hear from all of you now. Sign the Petition here: The 11 State Attorneys General that petitioned the EPA to change pesticide labeling regulations… Read more: Urgent Request Now: Stop the Poison-Pushers
- Brief Exposure to Glyphosate Can Cause Lasting Damage to the Brain – New StudyFolks, we have been talking about the dangers of glyphosate, the most widely used weed killer in the world, for decades. The FDA and EPA have virtually ignored our requests to ban the use of glyphosate, or at the very least to disallow its use as a desiccant (drying agent). There is an overwhelming amount… Read more: Brief Exposure to Glyphosate Can Cause Lasting Damage to the Brain – New Study
- Victory! Federal Court Strikes Down Lax GMO Rules, Halts GE Crop Introductions Without USDA OversightWe are so excited excited about this great news. The Center For Food Safety brings us this great news. We are grateful for all their work! Now, if the new regime can clean up the USDA, then this victory to halt GE crop introductions without USDA Oversight, will mean so much for cleaning up our… Read more: Victory! Federal Court Strikes Down Lax GMO Rules, Halts GE Crop Introductions Without USDA Oversight
- Got Clean Air and Water? It’s Essential!Food Integrity Now spoke with Helen Cristoni, health and wellness advisor and VP at Ideal Living, a concious company that offers the very best in wellness tech for clean air and water. Many of us know the importance of drinking clean water, but you may not know how important it is to be breathing clean… Read more: Got Clean Air and Water? It’s Essential!
- Dr. Michelle Perro: Children’s Health, the Flexner Report and HomeopathyThis week Food Integrity Now spoke with Dr. Michelle Perro. Dr. Perro is an MD, Homeopath, author, speaker, and an expert in children’s health and wellness. Dr. Perro is the co-founder and CEO of GMO Science, an organization focused on food as medicine and the regeneration education movement. Recently her organization and Moms Across America… Read more: Dr. Michelle Perro: Children’s Health, the Flexner Report and Homeopathy
- How Monsanto Ruined American HolidaysBy Zen Honeycutt What do Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and the 4th of July all have in common? For millions of American moms, it’s one thing—dread. Our kids can’t eat the food offered during these holidays, and therefore, the holiday is pretty much ruined. We are inundated with treats that we have to deflect,… Read more: How Monsanto Ruined American Holidays
- Robyn O’Brien: Seeding InnovationThere are a people in this world that really get what it is to be human and humane, Robyn O’Brien is one of them. I spoke with O’Brien recently to discuss her latest book, Seeding Innovation, The Path to Profit and Purpose in the 21st Century. When I received the book, I had no idea… Read more: Robyn O’Brien: Seeding Innovation
- The Impacts of Holistic Nutrition, from Healthy Soil to the SoulIt is an honor to be selected as Podcaster of the Month on Blubrry. Blubrry has been hosting my podcast for about 12 years. In their article, Grieve Explains the Impacts of Holistic Nutrition from Healthy Soil to the Soul, I talk about some of the most important issues with our food and health today.… Read more: The Impacts of Holistic Nutrition, from Healthy Soil to the Soul
- Arizona May Join Italy by Banning Lab-Grown MeatTwo bills introduced into the Arizona Legislature may signal that the 2024 sessions of those “Laboratories of Democracy” will be something of an “alt-meat” grinder. Arizona State Rep. David Marshall, R-Snowflake, and four co-sponsors have introduced House Bill 2121, prohibiting cell-cultured animal products. HB2121 prohibits anyone in Arizona from offering to sell or produce a… Read more: Arizona May Join Italy by Banning Lab-Grown Meat
- Wheat Intolerance Might Be Due to GlyphosateA new study shows that wheat intolerance might be due to Glyphosate. This is what many of us have suspected for years. as glyphosate is sprayed on wheat as a pre-harvest desiccant. A scientific review identifies glyphosate as a possible cause of the global rise in wheat intolerance. This condition is increasingly reported by people who don’t… Read more: Wheat Intolerance Might Be Due to Glyphosate
- Jeffrey Smith is Sounding the Alarm on GMO 2.0Jeffrey Smith, Founder and Executive Director of Institute for Responsible Technology, is the most knowledgeable person on the planet about GMOs. His 27-year career of educating about the dangers of GMOs is so impressive–as he was one of the first to educate us about GMOs and their effect on human health and the environment. In… Read more: Jeffrey Smith is Sounding the Alarm on GMO 2.0
- International Glyphosate Study Shows Likely Cause of Explosion in Childhood LeukemiaMoms Across America resently tested the top 20 fast food brands, plus 1 California-based restaurant, In-N-Out Burger, for glyphosate, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, minerals and calories. The results were abysmal and you can learn more about the results here. The testing showed that 100% of the food tested in these 21 brands contained glyphosate. Food… Read more: International Glyphosate Study Shows Likely Cause of Explosion in Childhood Leukemia
- Zen Honeycutt Reports: Alarming Results of Testing of the Top 20 Fast Food BrandsZen Honeycutt, founder of Moms Across America, reports on testing of the top 20 fast food brands, and the popular West Coast eatery, In-N-Out Burger. The results are abysmal to say the least! Check out the shocking reports which should be a wake-up call to many as to what they are eating or feeding their… Read more: Zen Honeycutt Reports: Alarming Results of Testing of the Top 20 Fast Food Brands
- Glyphosate Exposure Linked to Severe Depression and Cognitive Decline in American AdultsOur friends at Sustainable Pulse have reported that glyphosate exposure is linked to severe depression and cognitive decline. The evidence of glyphosate toxicity and damage to the human body and environment is undeniable and continues to come forth. We are certain that glyphosate is one of the most toxic substances on the planet. Professor Don… Read more: Glyphosate Exposure Linked to Severe Depression and Cognitive Decline in American Adults
- GMO 2.0 Gene EditingMany people many be unaware of GMO 2.0 and gene editing. Food Integrity Now recently attended the National Heirloom Expo in Ventura, CA. One of the speakers, Jeffrey Smith, Founder and Executive Director of The Institute for Responsible Technology, did an excellent talk and presentation on GMO 2.0 gene editing. Thank you to Responsible Technology… Read more: GMO 2.0 Gene Editing
- The New MDS Discuss Alzheimer’sToday, the new MDS discuss Alzheimer’s and Dementia. The new MDS are mothers, doctors and scientists and Dementia is a general term for cognitive decline, including Alzheimer’s Disease. In this discussion, Dr. Michelle Perro, Dr. Stephanie Seneff and Zen Honeycutt discuss what has lead us to having an epidemic of Dementia all over the world,… Read more: The New MDS Discuss Alzheimer’s
- Glyphosate and Cancer: More EvidenceAt Food Integritty Now, we look forward to the day when we can stop talking about Glyphosate! Unfortunately, that day hasn’t arrived yet. Glyphosate is still the most widely used herbicide in the world and if you are not eating organic, you are getting glyphoste in your body. And now there is even more evidence… Read more: Glyphosate and Cancer: More Evidence
- Oxalates: Toxic SuperfoodsWhen I first heard of Sally Norton’s book, Toxic Superfoods, How Oxalate Overload is Making You Sick-And How to Get Better, I thought to myself, what are oxalates. I had heard the word but didn’t really know much about them. Well, I do now and can’t wait to share this information with you in this… Read more: Oxalates: Toxic Superfoods
- Unveiling Lab-Created MeatWith its approval for sale in the US last November, lab-grown meat is being hailed in the mainstream media as a solution to global hunger while reducing the environmental impact of traditional animal farming. (Lab-grown Chicken was later approved in March). But what if it isn’t safe, and what if its carbon footprint exceeds that of grass-fed animals?… Read more: Unveiling Lab-Created Meat
- Gene Editing Causes Chaos In Genome of TomatoesMany who follow websites like Food Integrity Now are aware of gene editing technology like CRISPR/Cas gene editing. We and others like Responsible Technology, GM Watch, Moms Across America, Sustainable Pulse and others have been warning about the danger of this technology. We have been deeply concerned about off-target mutation and other unintended consequences. We… Read more: Gene Editing Causes Chaos In Genome of Tomatoes
- Apeel: Fruit and Vegetable Coating, A Risky EndeavorApeel, which is a coating that is used on fruits and vegetables, even some organic, is a risky endeavor for sure. Apeel fruit and vegetable coating was created by Apeel Sciences and was funded by the Bill and Linda Gates Foundation, which raises a red flag to begin with. We know very little about this… Read more: Apeel: Fruit and Vegetable Coating, A Risky Endeavor
- Childhood Exposure to Glyphosate Linked to Liver Inflammation and Metabolic DisorderThis article first appeared in Sustainable Pulse. New research from the UC Berkeley School of Public Health in the U.S. shows that childhood exposure to the world’s most widely used weed killer, glyphosate, is linked to liver inflammation and metabolic disorder in early adulthood, which could lead to liver cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease later… Read more: Childhood Exposure to Glyphosate Linked to Liver Inflammation and Metabolic Disorder
- Learning to Feel, A Powerful Tool to Thrive!In this Learning to Feel episode, Rosie and I explore feelings— not just emotional type feelings, but feelings as in sensing into vibrations within ourselves in relation to food, and well, everything. Everything is energy and learning to tap into the higher vibration of our surroundings can be a powerful tool to thrive! Let’s explore this… Read more: Learning to Feel, A Powerful Tool to Thrive!
- The Good GardenIt’s that time of year when many are preparing and planting their summer gardens. In my talk today with Chris McLaughlin, author of The Good Garden, we discuss some of the basics of growing your own food in a way that not only can nurture you and your family but the inherent joy it can… Read more: The Good Garden
- What Your Food AteThe root of good health starts on farms. I spoke with Anne Biklé and David R. Montgomery, authors of What Your Food Ate about the science and research behind their latest book. What Your Food Ate, How To Heal Our Land And Reclaim Our Health highlights evidence from recent science to forgotten science about how… Read more: What Your Food Ate
- Have You Priced The Cost Of Illness?Many people who are on limited incomes resist buying organics, because of the expense. And, because there is some controversial content disputing the benefits of organic foods, it can be confusing. Some people just can’t decide and then fall back on hoping for the best while fearing the worst. This mindset in and of itself… Read more: Have You Priced The Cost Of Illness?
- Eating Like Your Life Depends On ItMy life work is educating about toxins and chemicals in our food supply and offering solutions on how to create a healthy life where you can thrive. I recently spoke at the Health and Homesteading Conference in Southern California about eating like your life depends on it. Because it does! In this talk below, I… Read more: Eating Like Your Life Depends On It
- Impossible Burger: Got Glyphosate?The company, Impossible Foods, is growing exponentially. Many are familiar with their Impossible Burger but they also make “fake” chicken, pork, sausage, and meatballs. You see these products in grocery stores, at Burger King, White Castle, Starbucks, and many restaurants. The company has an illustrious marketing campaign and lots of investors, including Bill Gates, who… Read more: Impossible Burger: Got Glyphosate?
- 7 Reasons Why Gene Editing is DangerousGene editing is cheap, easy, prone to side effects, poorly regulated and can permanently alter nature’s gene pool-a recipe for disaster. In the short video (6.33 minutes) you will learn about the 7 reasons why gene editing is dangerous and unpredictable. This article was first posted by the Institute For Responsible Technology and we thank… Read more: 7 Reasons Why Gene Editing is Dangerous
- Breaking: National School Lunch Testing for Glyphosate, Pesticides, Heavy Metals and HormonesNational school lunch testing shows there are high amounts of GMOs, Glyphosate, Pesticides, Heavy Metals and Hormones in our school lunches. This is absolutely unacceptable and we urge you to share this information with everyone and contact your school officials, PTAs and representatives to demand better for our children. No wonder there are so many… Read more: Breaking: National School Lunch Testing for Glyphosate, Pesticides, Heavy Metals and Hormones
- US Court Says No to QR Codes for GMO LabelingFor more than 10 years, many of us have been working on getting GMO’s labeled so consumers could know what they were buying or consuming. It has been an uphill battle but during those 10 years consumer awareness has been greatly raised about GMOs, and their accompanying pesticides and herbicides, like glyphosate. We shared the… Read more: US Court Says No to QR Codes for GMO Labeling
- Nutrition Support Group – Creating Ultimate WellnessI am excited you are here! I am offering a nutrition support group with coaching via Zoom two times a month. We live in a world where having a healthy gut and brain is essential for a great quality of life–and for most it can be achieved through diet and lifestyle. The science of nutrition… Read more: Nutrition Support Group – Creating Ultimate Wellness
- Super GutThe ancient bacteria that has kept our gut in alignment and our digestion easy have been dying off and replaced by harmful microbes that don’t serve to keep us physically healthy and mentally fit. Nine years ago, I interviewed Dr. William Davis, author of Wheat Belly, which was a breakthrough informing many that the wheat… Read more: Super Gut
- GMO Beef Could Enter Food Supply in 2 YearsAt Food Integrity Now, we are greatly concerned about the consequences of genetically modifying any of our food. The CRISPR technology is no exception to this concern. The FDA does not have our food safety as a concern-and are moving forward with the approval of GMO beef. In my opinion and in the opinion of… Read more: GMO Beef Could Enter Food Supply in 2 Years
- Parasites and Detoxing with Dr. LindaI spoke with Dr. Linda Lancaster, Naturopathic and Homeopathic Physician about her book, Harmonic Healing. During our chat, Dr. Linda talked about how parasites can be the underlying cause of many dis-eases in the body. She explained how nothing in health is ever purely physical. If we have attracted parasites into our body, there is… Read more: Parasites and Detoxing with Dr. Linda
- GMOs & Glyphosate: All Roads Lead to CancerAt Food Integrity Now, we have been educating about GMOs and Glyphosate for over 12 years. We look forward to the day when we don’t have to talk about it! That day has not arrived yet–and now we have another study showing that it is worse than we thought with more evidence of the cancer-causing… Read more: GMOs & Glyphosate: All Roads Lead to Cancer
- New GMO Labeling Rules are a Disaster for US Food TransparencyOriginally posted in Sustainable Pulse: New GMO Labelling Rules are a Disaster for US Food Transparency A new disclosure rule issued today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture will not help consumers easily identify food that has been genetically engineered or that contains genetically modified ingredients (GMOs), according to Consumer Reports. Consumer Reports has long been a… Read more: New GMO Labeling Rules are a Disaster for US Food Transparency
- Can Your Dog Eat Your Thanksgiving Meal?Anyone who knows me knows I love animals! While most people just feed their dogs their normal dog food on Thanksgiving, there are others who want to share their thanksgiving meal with their four legged friends. So, can your dog eat your Thanksgiving meal safely. Here are some do’s and don’ts. Just a Bite Sliced… Read more: Can Your Dog Eat Your Thanksgiving Meal?
- Ancient Grains IMPROVE Health and Gut MicrobiomeBy: Moms Across America and Food Integrity Now Over the past ten years, the food industry in American has been turned topsy turvy. All of a sudden millions of people can’t or don’t want to eat wheat….after thousands of years of major civilizations eating wheat with every meal. Suddenly, people feel rashy, irritable, fatigued, and… Read more: Ancient Grains IMPROVE Health and Gut Microbiome
- Want to Strengthen Your Immune System?Want to strengthen your immune system? I think you will agree that it has never been as important as it is right now. Join us on The Empower Hour on Childrens Health Defense (CHD Live) this Friday at 12:00pm ET with Host Zen Honeycutt and me as Co-Host. We will be talking with Dr. Tom… Read more: Want to Strengthen Your Immune System?
- New Study: Organic Farming Lessens Reliance on Pesticides and Promotes Public HealthI spoke with Dr. Charles Benbrook about his recent peer-reviewed study published In Agronomy entitled Organic Farming Lessens Reliance on Pesticides and Promotes Public Heath by Lowering Dietary Risks which provides comparisons of pesticide use of organic farms compared to nearby conventional farms growing the same crops and the risk stemming from pesticide use on… Read more: New Study: Organic Farming Lessens Reliance on Pesticides and Promotes Public Health
- Toxic Legacy: Stephanie Seneff, PhDToxic Legacy–what are we leaving our grandchildren? There are not many people who have studied the weedkiller, glyphosate, as much as Stephanie Seneff, PhD. Seneff, has been affiliated with MIT for over 5 decades, has 4 advanced degrees from this institution, is a senior scientist there and she has been studying glyphosate for almost a… Read more: Toxic Legacy: Stephanie Seneff, PhD
- Impossible Burgers in Our Schools? Say NO!Just recently Impossible Foods got the go ahead that would allow their Impossible Burger in our schools. Please say NO and here is why. The Problems Food Integrity Now spoke with Jaydee Hanson, Policy Director from the Center For Food Safety, about what is in the Impossible Burger and all the reasons why we should… Read more: Impossible Burgers in Our Schools? Say NO!
- The Monsanto PapersFood Integrity Now spoke with Carey Gillam about her new book, The Monsanto Papers, Deadly Secrets, Corporate Corruption, and One Man’s Search for Justice. The book tells the inside story of Lee Johnson’s landmark lawsuit against Monsanto after a workplace accident left Lee doused in Monsanto’s widely used herbicide, Roundup, and facing a deadly cancer.… Read more: The Monsanto Papers
- Glyphosate Girl Kelly RyersonFood Integrity Now spoke with Glyphosate Girl, Kelly Ryerson, about her journey covering the Monsanto trials. She candidly spoke with me about covering the first trial, Johnson v. Monsanto, and how she created her very entertaining, creative, and informative blog. The illustrations on this post are created by Kelly from her blog! When Kelly arrived… Read more: Glyphosate Girl Kelly Ryerson
- What’s Really In Those Plant-Based Meats?Plant-based, vegan, fake meat, no matter what you call them, are becoming widely popular. Seems like every week there is a new product coming out and it appears that there is a huge market for them. But are they really healthy? We wanted to find out what’s really in those fake meats so that you can be informed about what you are really eating.
- EPA’s Decision: A Corporate TakeoverThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released in a statement Thursday that they have finished their regulatory review and found that glyphosate is not a carcinogen. In their statement released Thursday, the agency said “EPA has concluded that there is no risk of concern to human health when glyphosate is used according to the label… Read more: EPA’s Decision: A Corporate Takeover
- Glyphosate Can Alter DNATwo new studies add to the body of science, showing glyphosate— a key ingredient in Bayer/Monsanto’s herbicide RoundUp, is harmful to living systems. The studies point to convincing evidence that glyphosate can alter DNA by actively working at the epigentic level. The studies strongly suggest glyphosate is affecting human chemistry at the genetic level to turn… Read more: Glyphosate Can Alter DNA
- Impossible Burger, So Many Reasons Not to Eat ItPeople are still asking me about the Impossible Burger. I tell them there are so many reasons not to eat it. Let’s discuss some of them. Earlier this year, the manufacturers of the controversial veggie burger just announced that in the future, due to “high demand” for the product, its plant-based patties will be made using GMO… Read more: Impossible Burger, So Many Reasons Not to Eat It