• Passion and Purpose Are Keys to Thriving
    Most of us want a joyful life! Passion and purpose are keys to thriving and creating that life. By this we mean that passion and a resonance of something greater than just everyday living–feeling like you can’t wait to get out of bed and greet all of the new opportunities to experience pass...
  • What Gets In The Way of Thriving?
    This week Rosie and I discuss what gets in the way of thriving. Almost everyone wants to have a life where they thrive, but why aren’t most people creating that life? In our discussion we talk about some of those issues that can inhibit your ability to thrive. Rosie and I explore some of th...
  • Feeling Grateful Can Grow Our Capacity to Thrive
    In this Episode, Rosie and I discuss the importance of feeling grateful and how feeling grateful can grow our capacity to thrive. We are not talking about just feeling grateful when something “really good” happens, we’re talking about being grateful in the NOW! Feeling grateful for everything we ...
  • Learning to Feel, A Powerful Tool to Thrive!
    In this Learning to Feel episode, Rosie and I explore feelings— not just emotional type feelings, but feelings as in sensing into vibrations within ourselves in relation to food, and well, everything. Everything is energy and learning to tap into the higher vibration of our surroundings can be a...
  • The Good Garden
    It’s that time of year when many are preparing and planting their summer gardens. In my talk today with Chris McLaughlin, author of The Good Garden, we discuss some of the basics of growing your own food in a way that not only can nurture you and your family but the inherent joy it can offe...
  • Brain Health and Thriving Like a Guru
    To whatever degree you wish to thrive, a healthy brain will support you in your endeavor. In our chat today, Rosie and I discuss the how and why of having brain health to thrive like a guru. Being in a state of fogginess, forgetfulness or brain fatigue, we are challenged to make the wisest choice...
  • Dilemmas of Aging
    Many people as they age are contemplating the dilemmas of aging. In our chat today, Rosie and I discuss some of those dilemmas and how we have a choice in how we age. After all, we are all aging, aren’t we?The other day, a friend of Rosie’s shared this with her: “I’ve not intentionally eaten orga...
  • What Does Beauty Feel Like?
    Rosie and I chatted this week about what is beauty—more importantly, what does beauty feel like? We were both considered to be beautiful as children or so we were told. People would come up to me and say, “Wow, you are beautiful.” I talk about this in this podcast and how it didn’t jive with how ...
  • What Your Food Ate
    The root of good health starts on farms. I spoke with Anne Biklé and David R. Montgomery, authors of What Your Food Ate about the science and research behind their latest book. What Your Food Ate, How To Heal Our Land And Reclaim Our Health highlights evidence from recent science to forgotten sci...
  • Have You Priced The Cost Of Illness?
    Many people who are on limited incomes resist buying organics, because of the expense. And, because there is some controversial content disputing the benefits of organic foods, it can be confusing.  Some people just can’t decide and then fall back on hoping for the best while fearing the wor...